In New Delhi, a couple dressed as the beloved comic book characters Spiderman and Spiderwoman faced legal repercussions after performing motorcycle stunts, including the “titanic pose,” on the streets of Dwarka in South West Delhi. Reports indicate that the duo was apprehended by the Delhi police on Friday.
The individuals involved are identified as Aditya, a 20-year-old known as “Spiderman,” and his 19-year-old companion Anjali, who adopts the moniker “Spiderwoman.” Their superhero personas were showcased in an Instagram reel titled “Spiderman Najafgarh Part 5,” where they are seen embarking on a bike ride through the streets of Delhi.
Aditya, also known as Indian Spidey Official on Instagram, frequently shares videos on his account featuring his daring exploits and adventures. His distinct persona and visually striking attire have captured the attention of both local residents and social media enthusiasts.