Google thanks users for “growing with them over the past 25 years.”
The search engine giant Google celebrated its 25th birthday on September 27 with a doodle down the memory lane – different characters that span more than two decades. “Here at Google we’re looking to the future, and birthdays can be a time to think,” he said in a blog post.
Doctoral students Sergey Brin and Larry Page, who met in Stanford University’s computer science program in the 90s, shared a similar vision: to make the World Wide Web the easier access.
The pair worked tirelessly from their bedrooms to create models for the best research. As they completed the important work, they moved to Google’s first office – a rented house. On September 27, 1998, Google Inc. As born, the blog read.
Much has changed since 1998 – including its logo seen in today’s doodle – Google said its mission remains the same: “to improve the world’s data and make it is universal and effective”.
Thanks to the users “changing with them over the past 25 years,” he added, “We can’t wait to see where the future takes us.”