Snapchat is, without a doubt, the most popular social media app among Gen Z users. While the messaging app is already feature-packed, Snapchat Plus improves the experience with a fantastic new update. Snapchat is constantly adding new features to its paid version, allowing you to change the app’s icon, see who re-watches your story, and mark special friends as BFFs. To help you understand the end, Snapchat’s Plus subscription introduced a new feature called the Snapchat Friend Solar System, which provides the world to your closest friends.
In this article, we will help you understand what Snapchat planets are, their commands and meanings, and more. By the end, we will also show how you can see Snapchat sunshine for your friends.
Snapchat Planets: What Is the Friend Solar System?
You need to know what the solar actually looks like and works. In our solar system, each planet revolves around the sun and is separated by a certain distance. If you are a Snapchat Plus user, you are your friend’s Sunshine’s Sunshine.
The first Snapchat planet on the list is Mercury, and it represents the person with whom you share the most interactions, i.e. your best friend on Snapchat. This system works for your next eight best friends on Snapchat, meaning your eight best friends are given worlds based on how close you are to them (how much you interact with them).
Snapchat Planets Order and Meaning (2024)
Each planet in a Snapchat friend’s solar system corresponds to a different position in your list of best friends, and the order of the planets in the solar system is similar to the order of the planets in our current constellation. Since you are the Sun of your Snapchat friend’s solar system, Mercury is sent to the friend you share the most Snaps with and chat with, Venus moves to the second closest position, and it rounds up to Neptune, your eighth friend.
And to help you better understand the meaning of Snapchat planets, we have explained them in detail along with their emojis below:
Like the real sun, Mercury is the first planet in Snapchat’s solar system and represents the user’s first closest friend. Mercury is represented by a red globe with four 5-digit red hearts surrounding it.
Venus is the second planet in the Solar System and corresponds to the user’s second friend. The planet Venus is represented by a light grey planet with yellow, pink and blue hearts revolving around it.
The third planet in the solar system is Earth, and it corresponds to the user’s third best friend. It is represented by the same color as the real world, with a moon, stars, and red hearts around it.
Planet Mars
Mars represents your fourth friend on Snapchat and is also the fourth planet in our solar system. It is marked by a red globe with stars and purple and blue hearts around their friends.
Since Snapchat’s solar system is a model of our solar system, Jupiter corresponds to the user’s fifth closest friend. The app uses a red-orange globe with dark orange colors and stars revolving around it.
Planet Saturn
Similar to our sun, Saturn is sixth from the sun and represents the user’s sixth closest friend. It is represented by an orange planet with a ring and stars.
The planet Uranus corresponds to the user’s seven closest friends on Snapchat and is represented by a green planet with no hearts.
Last but not least, Neptune is the eighth planet in our solar system and represents the eighth friend on your friend list in the Solar System app. Remember, no one loses love or life on the blue planet.
How Does Snapchat’s Friend Solar System Work
First and foremost, you need to register for Snapchat Plus to see which world you are in your friend’s world. Once registered, when you open a friend’s profile you will see “Best Friends” or “Friends” with a golden pattern. The Friends agreement means that both of you are one of the eight best friends. While the Friends tag means that you are among their eight best friends, but they are not in yours.
Now, tapping on one of the signs shows the friendship schedule of Friends of the Sun. Also, to make it more useful, the proximity is represented as planets, with each planet representing a different position in their best friend list. For example – if you are Jupiter in their Snapchat zodiac sign, it means you are their fifth friend. Here is how you can check which planet you are on on your friend’s Snapchat:
- Open your friend’s profile on Snapchat.
- Locate and tap the Best Friends badge to reveal which planet you represent.
And that was it; this is how Snapchat’s Solar Friend works. Note that you must be a Snapchat Plus user to access the Snapchat friend’s gallery.